Business Name: Paradise Slice
Support received: Start Up Loan, Lewisham Business Support Initiative
Location: London
Dan and Noura of Paradise Slice had the vision and the energy to bring the authentic taste and experience of 20 inch New York pizzas to Brick Lane. They are both Lewisham residents and are supported by London Small Business Centre’s Lewisham Business Support Initiative, funded by London Borough of Lewisham.
Here they talk about their journey from idea to start-up and share advice about the process of starting a business.
Why did you start the business?
Noura lived in New York for 12 years and moved back to London to find an empty space in her life – an empty space that was in the shape of a pizza slice.
And so, together we decided if we can’t get the product we want, we should make it and share the experience with others.
What motivated you?
Noura – After working as a food stylist for a magazine, followed by a stint in fashion production I worked on Food Trucks. I really enjoyed the sense of community and support between small businesses with the food trucks and wanted to recreate this with our own business and others nearby.
Dan – After years working in many positions in hospitality, it became clear that the ethics of a business were vital –treating staff and customers well and forging long lasting links with local suppliers and putting these above making a quick profit.
Unlike other pizza restaurants we wanted the truly authentic New York taste and so we start to make our dough at least 70 hours before it reaches the oven. This guarantees that it is packed full of fantastic flavour and definitely worth the effort.